Personal Therapy Sessions

Individual Adult sessions in

  • EMDR

  • Clinical Hypnosis

  • Cognitive Behaviour

  • Ego State Therapy

  • Coaching

All are available to help you improve your  wellbeing, reduce stress and depression, overcome stressful experiences, reduce negative thinking, improve communications, social and emotional skills, build confidence and decrease stress. We work with individuals on several issues including improving anxiety issues, self-motivation, self confidence, managing stress both at work and at home, including surviving narcissism

1. Where will my session be held?

All sessions are held in the Highlands in Oldshoremore IV27 4RS.  We have a private room that is used. We can also accommodate on-line sessions, once a completed questionnaire has been returned to us.

2. What happens in each session

Every client is different with differing needs so we will discuss your specific needs and concerns in advance and we agree your desired outcomes. Each session typically lasts between 60 minutes.

3. How many sessions do I need?

We have 3 options available:

  • Single sessions 

  • 6 week blocks (6 session)  programmes

  • 1 week intensive block - 5 Days (7 sessions)

All are based on your healing and recovery requirements, generally for emotional changes such as overcoming trauma, stress or anxiety and are dependant on desired outcomes . Change can be rapid and it is essential that you are ready for the results. Many clients experience change so quickly that they follow this with a quarterly review, to support long term change.


  • Individual session in person (Highlands and Islands only - subsidised cost) £65 per session. Costs are subsidised to enable remote clients to access this service, who would not normally be able to.

  • Individual session online (Other Areas) £75 per session - these sessions can be daily or weekly, depending on Client needs.

  • 5 Day Residential Intensive EMDR in person sessions click here £1050 per 5 day/4 night stay

To find out more please contact:

4. Can you deal with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder?

Yes we can in our weekly sessions, Angela has Practitioner qualifications in Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing (EMDR) Practitioner, she is a Master Practitioner in Clinical Hypnosis, a full member of the BSCH as well as a Cognitive Behaviour Clinician and a member of WIEBGE. She is also a therapist with the charity Walking with the Wounded supporting Military Veterans.

We assess all clients with an initial conversation, to establish if we are suited to work together  and we will never take clients on until we are confident that we can help you but we need absolute honesty on the questionnaire. 

Although it is very rare, sometimes clients are just not ready to change so this ensures that the therapy is right for you and at the right time. This may be a result of being pushed into it by family and friends but if you are honest with us then we can establish this very quickly and generally before we accept a Client on to a programme.

N.B. We only work with Adults over 21 years of age and not under this age range.